Compare CREATIVE OUTDOOR PRODUCTS Hunter Dan Rifle Hunter


These 8-1/2" action figures let an imaginative youngster create a virtually unlimited number of outdoor scenarios. For the shotgun enthusiast, Turkey Hunter Dan carries a 1:9 scale replica Remington 11/87 shotgun. Size: 8-1/2". Available: The Original Hunter Dan includes a hunting rifle with Nikon scope and sling, Nikon binoculars and a rangefinder, an Ameristep treestand, a treestand safety vest, orange stocking cap, rattling antlers, and Rocky rubber hunting boots. Bowhunter Dan includes Hoyt bow and arrows, Scent-Lok bag, Nikon binoculars and rangefinder, Ameristep Treestand, treestand safety vest, brown stocking cap, rattling antlers and Rocky hunting boots. Turkey Hunter Dan includes Mossy Oak Break-Up clothing, a 1:9 scale replica Remington 11/87 shotgun, scaled-down M.A.D. Hammer box call, binoculars, LaCrosse boots and three Outlaw turkey decoys. Note: Hunter Dan is too large to ride the toy ATVs sold by Cabela's.